As they entered, the Imperial Conquistadors – a group of interplanetary explorers – accidentally broke the First Seal of Repulsion, a thin ring of salt spread around the citadel.

The reign of the Dark Legion began as mankind set foot on Nero, a fictional tenth planet beyond the orbit of Pluto, where they discovered a citadel. The Dark Legion commands the most powerful armies of the solar system, including Legionnaires, resurrected corpses of fallen Megacorp heroes and footsoldiers alike Necromutants, hideously modified humanoids Centurions, the lethal lieutenants of the Dark Legion and Nepharites, fearsome, towering behemoths of unimaginable power. The Dark Legion is the corporeal presentation of the Dark Symmetry and its members are minions of the Dark Apostles. The other major power of this universe is the Brotherhood, a fanatical religious organization formed to meet the threat of the Dark Legion, an ancient evil comprising five "Dark Apostles" and their horde of hideous mutants and undead.

Luna itself is considered to be neutral ground and is home to the massive city-state known as Luna City. Since the exodus from Earth the traditional nation-states of the world have merged into five huge megacorporations: Bauhaus, styled after the culture of continental Europe, the American-influenced Capitol, the Japanese-themed Mishima, the British-inspired Imperial, and the ultra-secretive, ambiguous, high-tech wielding Cybertronic, all of whom use private military forces to fight for resources. Humanity has spread to the worlds of Venus, Mars, Mercury, Luna (the Moon, the first settlement following the exodus from Earth), and the Asteroid belt. The game takes place in a distant future where the Earth has long since been depleted of natural resources and abandoned. and all subsidiaries and their properties, including Mutant Chronicles. In 2015, Cabinet Holdings acquired Paradox Entertainment Inc. The rights to the game are now owned by Paradox Entertainment. Unlike previous Swedish role-playing games, Mutant Chronics was released in English, and focused on reaching an international audience. Mutant Chronicles was developed by the Swedish company Target Games as an independent spinoff to their Mutant RPG series, specifically Mutant RYMD released the year before. It has spawned a franchise of collectible card games, miniature wargames, video games, novels, comic books, and a film of the same title based on the game world. Mutant Chronicles is a pen-and-paper role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic world, originally published in 1993. Nils Gullikson, Michael Stenmark, Henrik Strandberg, Magnus Seter, Jerker Sojdelius, Stefan Thulin, Fredrik Malmberg